Sunday, January 27, 2013

Al Gore x 150

A dozen years ago, presidential candidate Al Gore was defeated, crestfallen.  He did a multi-media show called The Inconvenient Truth, became a road warrior, and showed it all over the place. 

He did a lot more, too.  Since then, he turned his fortunes around.


He multiplied his $2 million net worth about 150 times --- into a $300 million fortune.  So says the current TIME magazine.  And more on his financial prowess at Forbes.

Whatever your politics, and how the money was made (he sold his cable TV property to Al Jazeera), you have to call this one amazing comeback.

But not everything along the way was glory to glory.  Remember the famous "kiss" with his dutiful spouse with the spunky name, Tipper?  At the 2000 Democratic National Convention?

Well, he and wife Tipper went separate ways in June 2010;  the media called it a "civilized split."  Tipper is about as far away from Washington, D.C. as you can get and still be in the continental 48.  Reports have it that she is dating a photographer.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Against all odds

Nick Vujicic was born without arms or legs. However, for him, it's no problem. Lee Cowan reports on how Vujicic was able to overcome incredible odds to live a relatively normal, and at times extraordinary, life.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Modern Day Pagliacci, the clown who cried -- no more

Can the outward clown be inwardly tortured  - laughing to hide the tears, like Pagliacci?

We recently learned that none other than David Letterman, 65, late night jokester to the world, himself fought depression for 20+ years.  In 2003, when beset by a bout of shingles, he finally capitulated, took medication for the depression as well.  He said it was like seeing 20/20.  He fessed up on the Dec. 20 CBS This Morning.

Sometimes making a comeback is as simple ---- or as difficult ---- as accepting the need for medication.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A jazzy comeback

When Dave Brubeck went to music school at the College of the Pacific, his inability to read music was found out.  A teacher ran to turn him in, the dean hit the roof, and they agreed on the only course of action:  to flunk him out.  But a bevy of teachers intervened, said STOP!  ‘this guy has talent.’

The dean relented  on this condition:  that Brubeck agree never to teach piano.  He did agree, and instead, went on to become something that affected millions vs. hundreds:  Dave Brubeck became a jazz icon.

The pianist passed away nearly one month ago, on December 5, 2012, one day short of being 92 years young.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What better quote for a new day, a new month, a new year

“The great virtue of man lies in his ability to correct his mistakes and continually make a new man of himself.”—Wang Yang-Ming

We wish you the very best in everything 2013 can offer.....and an extraordinary comeback whenever you need one......